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This site is a joint 
venture of several 
air enthusiasts 
from Minsk. For some 
years we edited and 
published  the only 
aviation magazine 
in Belarus - the "AeroPlan". 
But present situation is
 such,  that we find it 
better to carry out our 
beloved job in virtual 




Sergey A. Bourdine

Born in 1962, in Jaroslavl, Russia, in 1980 he had graduated Kiev Military Aeronautics Academy as aviation engineer and for 5 years served with 5th Air Army in Tiraspol. Then for 5 years Sergey lectured in Minsk Aviation College. In 1980 he started collecting materials on Soviet military aviation of 60-80th. Basing on these materials he wrote a 48 pages monograph 
MiG-23 ML, MLD, P' (with plans by A.Rusetski) published in 1994 in amount of 10000 copies.

The mainstay of his hobby are photos and original technical documentation of Soviet military aircraft of 1960-80th. A lot of personal contacts in Russian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian combat units and higher staffs help him very much.

At present Sergey is working on monograph about MiG-23, 23S, 23M, 23UB, 23U, 23UP and on Tu-16. Plenty of his materials were published in various issues of Aeroplan magazine.

Another interesting field of Sergey's activity arose from his cooperation with Dutch air enthusiast Guus OTTENHOF. Sergey helped him to collect serial and bort numbers of civil aircraft manufactured in USSR.

Alexander I. Rusetski

Born in 1966 Alexander RUSETSKI graduated Byelorussian Polytechnic University as automotive engineer and for 6 years worked with Minsk Heavy Trucks Plant (MZKT) as designer.

Being aviation and plastic kit enthusiast, in 1984 he started collecting materials on Fw 190, which led to creation of his first publication the 64 pages monograph "Fw 190 A, F, G", published in 1994 in amount of 10000 copies. Besides other materials, the book contained a collection of Soviet pilots memoirs about their encounters with Fw 190, which was arranged by Mr. S.Kulbaka. The book comprised also a set of precise plans, which were drawn in AutoCAD the first experience which led to a new hobby. Since then Alexander have designed and published plans of MiG-23 (8 pages in S.Bourdins "Mig-23ML, MLD & P", Minsk 1994, 10000 copies) and Bf 109F (2 A3 pages in 13th issue of "AeroPlan" magasine).

For few years he worked with "Aeroplan" magazine, designed several issues and
published some materials.

At present Alexander is finishing comprehensive plans of Jak fighters 
(Jak 1, 1B, 7A, 7B, 9, 9B, 9T, 3)
and, together with Mr.Kulbaka, plans of Bf 109G of various versions. Few Bf 109G camouflage schemes could be seen in 14th issue of "AeroPlan".

Sergei I. Sidorenko

is a modelist with more then 20 years experience. His materials about scale aircraft modeling were published in various editions like Krylia Rodiny and Stand.

Sergey was one of the foundators of the first Russian-language magazine dedicated to scale modelling the AeroPlan.

Two years ago he initiated creation of Internet site the AeroPlan Digest. Now he is a editor and chief of webmaster's group who made this site



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