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This site is a joint 
venture of several 
air enthusiasts 
from Minsk. For some 
years we edited and 
published  the only 
aviation magazine 
in Belarus - the "AeroPlan". 
But present situation is
 such,  that we find it 
better to carry out our 
beloved job in virtual 




Few words should be said about the sources for restoration of individual color schemes. During the war (and long after) it was strictly prohibited to own and use any cameras in front area. The only time when machines could be pictured was when field correspondents visited the regiment to take photos for newspapers. But obviously, they focused on pilots, not aircraft. Plenty of such photos were lost, some are preserved now in official archives, some - in personal archives of front correspondents. The ones, that were published, received heavy retouch, and one could only guess, what kind of camouflage was applied. So whatever it is said, most of the profiles are speculative. I will explain, which parts are for sure, and what is only my suggestion.

Yak-1b of I.N.Stepanenko

Yak-9T of I.N.Stepanenko

Yak-9T of I.Fedorov

More profiles to come.



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